Hello ya'll! I am sorry I have been a MIA blogger lately. Tall Tan Man has been in Dallas visiting, and I have been a little distracted...He had been in New Jersey for two months, and that left me plenty of time to blog. When he got here I didn't really want to do anything except spend time together. This might be changing very soon, and I will be back to my normal blogging, sadly :( .
At work on Friday we had a Thanksgiving party, {I have this ENTIRE week OFF!!} and I made a breakfast dish. If I am being honest, Thanksgiving food is not my favorite. I know, I sound so un-American. If I could just eat the rolls, butter, relish tray, mashed potatoes, and dessert I would be happy. I also don't like my food to touch, which it next to impossible on Thanksgiving. Now that I have rambled about Thanksgiving I will share with ya'll this fabulous recipe I found HERE.
You can make it the night before!
This picture makes my mouth water...
This would be perfect to make on Christmas morning. The recipe is SO easy and fast. The only disclaimer I will give you is MAKE SURE YOU CHECK the bread when you take it out of the oven. I thought I baked it long enough, and I definitely didn't. The top was wonderful and crunchy, but the bottom was not so much. This is the only thing I would change about the recipe. Which really isn't changing anything. Tall Tan Man and I drove up to Denver this past weekend. I love Denver. Something about the clean air and the mountains makes me feel so peaceful. On our way up here we stopped and spent the night in Pampa, Texas with my Grandad.
The drive wasn't too bad except does anyone know why New Mexico needs "safety corridors?" Maybe because there is a dormit volcano...
Also, on our way we stopped in Colorado Springs to see one of Tall Tan Man's high school buddies. He has one of the more adorable two-year-olds!
Well, I am hoping on this little vacation I will get to do some more blogging along with some running{hopefully the altitude doesn't kill me}, shopping, reading, mani/pedi-ing and spending some sweet time with Tall Tan Man. Hope you have a good short work week or if your a teacher maybe a NO work week!
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