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Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Why I Prime!

I can’t tell y’all how many times when I post a priming video that I get the question “why are you priming? doesn’t that paint require almost no prep?”.  You are right, most of the paint I use doesn’t require a lot of prep!  So why do I prime???

Working on Antiques!

When working with antiques a lot of them have an old topcoat that has worn down in spots which means the old stain is right on the surface.  This means when you put any water based paint on it the old stain will soak through it.  Rather than trying to guess if the old top coat is gone I just go ahead and slap a coat of oil based primer on!  There will be times you need more that one coat of primer.  You'll know by seeing yellow spots peeking through... πŸ™ˆ I didn't have a picture of this happening so here is a yucky internet photo...  

Stains bleeding through Bin-image-2258599032.jpg
Help paint stick!

Another reason to prime is to make sure your paint will stick.  The second dresser I ever painted had this issue and to be honest I wanted to quit furniture refinishing.  This is when I learned if I was going to get good at this I would need to not be afraid of failure and keep trying to learn…  Some woods are just so slick that paint has a hard time sticking to it.  I painted this πŸ‘‡ entire dresser with chalk paint and the paint just scratched right off.  I ended up sanding all the paint off, priming, and painting again... Lesson learned!

When Painting Furniture White!

Lastly, when I am painting anything white I always prime.  I look at primer like a cheaper white paint.  Rather than doing 2 extra coats of my more expensive paint, I use primer.  White is so hard because if you want a really solid finish it will take a good amount of coats.  If anyone knows of a white paint that doesn’t take 4 coats I’d love to hear it!  Please!  (I’ve used Fusion, Behr cabinet paint, General Finishes, and Chalk Paint)

Behr Cabinet and Trim Paint - Arcade White

General Finishes - Snow White

Fusion Mineral Paint - Picket Fence

Ok, now that you kind of sort of know I am not totally crazy for priming let me tell you a few downsides to priming. Oil based primer is stinky! Oh the fumes… I always work outside because #thecansaysto I try to be as safe as I can when working with chemicals.  I also use cheap brushes or a roller that I keep in the freezer.  I do not try to clean up oil based brushes/rollers, straight to the trash for my sanity!  Also, after priming you have to sand the paint smooth.  This is the most annoying part to me.  I sand outside because it is messy but this step is needed to get smooth surfaces!  

So now that I’ve convinced you to prime let me tell you when I don’t prime! πŸ˜† When painting furniture dark colors I won’t always prime especially if the piece seems to be in good condition.  Dark paint colors cover so much easier than lighter paints!

Fusion Mineral - Ash

Fusion Mineral - Ash

Fusion Mineral - Coal Black

Oh! I almost forgot to mention that oil based primer helps with stinky pieces.  Any time I’ve worked with a piece that smells like cigarettes I first let it air out for a few days then cover it with primer.  Seals the smell right up! πŸ™Œ

 I hope all this info helps!  Please let me know if you have any questions! πŸ’•πŸ’•πŸ’• 

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