Ahhhh this post is SO late. I blame this not on the ONE...or the TWO... but on the THREE stomach viruses we have ALL had since Thanksgiving. I didn't know it was possible to have 3 different stomach viruses in one month, but I'm no doctor. Onto cuter things...

Drum roll please.....
Who is that HUGE baby?!! Mack is the cutest and sweetest 11 month old {plus 2 weeks} baby I've ever met. I'm not biased at all... He took his first steps at the beginning of the month and is currently toddling everywhere. He loves to raise his hands when you say touchdown, stick his tongue out, and gets really excited when Tall Tan Man comes home.
Mack is working on two more teeth to add to his four top and two bottom teeth. He does not handle teething well so I am not sleeping much these days! Between all of the stomach bugs Mack discovered the awesomeness of Chick Fil A nuggets and cinnamon rolls. He is definitely mine ;) As for taking after Tall Tan Man, Mack is still "long and lean" according to his doctor. 12 month clothes are starting to be a little mid-drifty these days! :)
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